TSWBAT.....recognize and perform various rhythm patterns, recognize and continue to develop good tone quality, understand and perform written music symbols appropriate to their instrument, perform music representative of many time periods and styles (specifically Winter Holiday orientated), continue to demonstrate proper playing position and posture, begin to demonstrate a selected variety of major scales and arpeggios (both 2 and 3 octave), demonstrate correct bowing and fingering techniques, continue to demonstrate a basic understanding of advanced positions on his/her instrument, and continue to demonstrate a basic understanding of vibrato.
- Play a variety of notes and rests (quarter, eighth, sixteenth, whole, half, etc.)
- Play dynamics (louds and softs)
- Play music of different styles
- Play scales and arpeggios
- Sit up tall and keep my arm in proper position while playing
- Shift into third position on multiple strings
- Start to vibrato
Essential Skills to be mastered:
Students will be able to perform a 20-30 minute performance consisting of music of the Winter/Holiday genre. They will work on a variety of music techniques to understand and apply how to perform the music.
IPI Level:
Teacher led instruction, Small and large group
Teaching Strategies/ To Do's:
- Differential instruction
- Small Group
- Collaborative work
- Cooperative learning
- Non-linguistic representation
- Self-assessment
- Performance
- Air Bowing
- "Operation" game
Essential Elements Technique 2000 (per instrument)
Variety of selected pieces
Links to performance pieces:
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